Continuing Medical Education

Continuing Medical Education

Enhance Your Knowledge with Accredited Immunotherapy CME Opportunities

AIM with Immunotherapy is pleased to collaborate with our partners to bring you immunotherapy content-related opportunities to fulfill your continuing medical education requirements. Our aim is to provide education and resources for healthcare professionals to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in immunotherapy treatments.

As our understanding of the immune system continues to grow, so does our potential for innovative and effective treatments. With the increasing use of immunotherapy in cancer treatment, it is essential for healthcare professionals to have a solid understanding of its mechanisms and applications.

These opportunities allow you to learn about cutting-edge research and techniques from top professionals in an interactive setting. By participating in these activities, you can earn continuing medical education credits that will help you maintain your license and improve your knowledge base.

The Why, What, Who, and How of Oncolytic Immunotherapies for Skin Cancer

Learn about oncolytic  immunotherapy with the CME program, “When Anti-PD-1 Therapy Fails: Could Oncoloytic Immunotherapy Impact Outcomes in Advanced Melanoma?” In this program, hear about the patients that experience anti-PD-1 failure. More options are needed for this group in melanoma. Key characteristics of oncolytic immunotherapy are explained, the rationale for use is discussed, the latest clinical data is evaluated and cases are presented.

The program is led by Michael K. Wong, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Allison Betof-Warner, MD, PhD, Stanford University Cancer Center, and Gino K. In, MD, MPH, University of Southern California. Provided by PeerVoice, in partnership with AIM at Melanoma Foundation. This program is for 1.0 CME credits.

Expiration: December 2, 2025

Driving Improved Outcomes in Resectable Melanoma: Pathways for Optimized Adjuvant Immunotherapy Strategies

This program is led by two experts in melanoma, Jason Luke, MD, FACPT from UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and Govind Warrier, MD, MPH from Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins. Increase your knowledge and expertise on resectable melanoma options. Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC, in partnership with AIM at Melanoma Foundation.

Expiration: October 13, 2025

Pathways for Optimized Adjuvant Immunotherapy Strategies in Resectable Melanoma

Gain expert insight on optimizing the use of adjuvant immunotherapy for patients with resectable melanoma in this interactive, expert-led CME/CNE/CPE-certified 1-hr workshop. Michael A. Davies, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, Professor, at the University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, will provide this education. Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC, in partnership with AIM at Melanoma Foundation.

Physician Assistants: 1.00 AAPA Category 1 CME credit; Nurses: 1.00 Nursing contact hour; Physicians: maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™; Pharmacists: 1.00 contact hour (0.1 CEUs)