Current educational offerings:

Driving Improved Outcomes in Resectable Melanoma: Pathways for Optimized Adjuvant Immunotherapy Strategies

Gain expert insight on optimizing the use of adjuvant immunotherapy for patients with resectable melanoma in this interactive, expert led CME/CNE/CPE-certified 1-hr workshop. Michael A. Davies, MD, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Melanoma Medical Oncology, Professor, at the University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, will provide this education. Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC, in partnership with AIM at Melanoma Foundation.

Physician Assistants: 1.00 AAPA Category 1 CME credit; Nurses: 1.00 Nursing contact hour; Physicians: maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™; Pharmacists: 1.00 contact hour (0.1 CEUs)

Expiration: February 14, 2025

Previous educational offerings:

Stage IV Melanoma: Strategies to Support Shared Decision Making

With an expanded array of therapeutic options for Stage IV melanoma, clinicians must grapple with increased complexity for decision making. This multimedia, interactive activity, Stage IV Melanoma: Strategies to Support Shared Decision Making  uses cases to illustrate state-of-the art management of Stage IV melanoma. The activity also illustrates how to use the AIM at Melanoma Stage IV melanoma decision-making support tool Stage IV melanoma decision-making support tool and Patient Action Plans to support shared decision making. The esteemed faculty, Drs Anna Pavlick and Sunandana Chandra, also illustrate effective communication strategies and multidisciplinary approaches to provide streamlined care and consistent education and patient engagement across the oncology care team.

CME/CE on interdisciplinary care for management of complex irAEs.

JCO Oncology Practice (JCO OP) CME/CE/CPE supplement using cases to illustrate optimal interdisciplinary management of immune-related adverse events, Immuno-Oncology Essentials: Applications in Clinical Scenarios.

(No Longer Available for Credit)

A JADPRO CE supplement on the management of immune-related adverse events, Immuno-Oncology Therapy Essentials: Proactive Management of Immune-Related Adverse Events.

(No Longer Available for Credit)

Melanoma Therapeutics and Side-Effect Management: Making a Difference From the Outset

(No Longer Available for Credit)

Click here to visit, learn more, and view the complete accreditation information.

Supported by an independent educational grant from Merck & Co., Inc.

The newly launched site,, a dedicated portal of continuing education initiatives in cancer, features this first activity on managing side effects associated with newer melanoma therapies.  Showcasing 5 cases representing patients at varied stages of melanoma as well as the range of newer melanoma therapeutic options, this highly interactive activity will assist you in incorporating the Care Step Pathways and other tools from the MNI in real-world clinical scenarios. This is a free activity offering AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, Continuing Nursing Education contact hours, as well as pharmacotherapy contact hours for advanced practice registered nurses.